Seperti Di Film: Bagaimana Menjadi Karakter Utama Dalam Cerita Anda Sendiri

Seperti Di Film: Bagaimana Menjadi Karakter Utama Dalam Cerita Anda Sendiri
Seperti Di Film: Bagaimana Menjadi Karakter Utama Dalam Cerita Anda Sendiri

Video: Seperti Di Film: Bagaimana Menjadi Karakter Utama Dalam Cerita Anda Sendiri

Video: Seperti Di Film: Bagaimana Menjadi Karakter Utama Dalam Cerita Anda Sendiri
Video: boboiboy ; cara pembuatan video boboiboy dan para pengisi suara di video boboiboy 2024, April

T "Mulailah meromantisasi hidup Anda - bertindak seolah Anda yang memimpin," suara dari Tiktok mendengkur. Mengapa meromantisasi hidup Anda? Untuk menikmatinya! Mengapa begitu penting untuk merasa "memimpin"? Karena dengan karakter utama dalam film apa pun semua peristiwa menarik terjadi. Dan tidak ada yang ingin berada di pinggir - setidaknya merasa seperti ini - dalam sejarah mereka sendiri. Bagaimana cara menjadi karakter utama? Pertama, tentukan genre apa yang Anda tinggali. Pakaian yang tepat akan membantu Anda merasakan suasananya: gambar dari karakter utama favorit kami selalu membedakan mereka dari yang lain, yang kedua. Tidak dapat memutuskan? Kami telah mengumpulkan film musim gugur yang paling hangat - dan menyortir gambar dari pahlawan wanita mereka yang mencolok. Jika Anda sangat menyukainya, pakaian yang sesuai dengan semangat dan suasana hatinya mudah ditemukan di The Seasons. Semua merek mewah dan fashion utama ada di sini, dari Dior, Cartier dan Gucci hingga Alexander Wang dan Kenzo. Dan kumpulkan gambar yang sesuai dengan cerita Anda, dengan nyaman - dan bahkan dunia nyata di luar jendela, yang akhir-akhir ini tidak terlalu menyenangkan, akan berkilau dengan warna-warna baru. {"Points": [{"id": 1, " properti ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": - 15, "y": - 72, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": - 15}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 2," properties ": {" durasi ": 2," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," kemudahan ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}}" Bawakan apa yang gadis ini miliki! " - Frasa ini dari kultus rom-com tahun 80-an "When Harry Met Sally" telah turun dalam sejarah hampir secara independen dari keseluruhan film. Dan Sally sendiri, cerdas dan lucu, tidak takut untuk bermain-main dan tampak konyol, dicintai oleh semua orang - dan tidak hanya untuk adegan di kafe. Dia tertarik dengan spontanitas dan kesederhanaan. Semua kualitas ini tercermin dalam lemari pakaiannya - dia berpakaian dengan sangat tenang, dengan warna hangat (idealnya musim gugur!). Dia menyukai kemeja pria dan sweater bertekstur, tidak memakai perhiasan - karena hiasan utamanya adalah kejutan ikal, senyuman, dan selera humor. {"Points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties": {"Duration": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "kemudahan": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"poin ": [{" id ": 9," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"durasi": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "kemudahan": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": { "x": 0,5, "y": 0.5}} {"poin": [{"id": 1, "propert ies ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1,05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties": {"durasi": 0,5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "kemudahan": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5 }} {"points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties": {"durasi": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "kemudahan": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 17, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {" id ": 19," properti ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1.05," scale Y ": 1.05," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 18," properties ": {" durasi ": 0.5," penundaan ": 0," bezier ": ," kemudahan ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} sweater Jacob Cohen, The Dress (Parade) pants, Hermes hat, Maje blouse, Gucci loafersCollections tersedia di Seasons Galleries {"points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id ": 3," properties ": {" x ": - 15," y ": - 72," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": - 15}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties": {"durasi": 2, "delay": 0, "bezier ": ," kemudahan ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} Penyihir cantik untuk gaya musim gugur Anda tidak ada salahnya - bahkan jika Anda tidak berencana untuk merayakan Halloween. Pada akhirnya, bagi banyak orang, penyihir bukanlah simbol sihir seperti persaudaraan, kekuatan, dan kebebasan. "Sihir Praktis" adalah cerita tentang sihir, dan tentang cinta, dan tentang persahabatan. Ada dua karakter utama di dalamnya, dan mereka sangat berbeda, bahkan dalam pakaian: satu gaun provokatif dan cerah, yang lain, sebaliknya, tenang dan sederhana. Kami mengusulkan untuk menggabungkan kedua gaya tersebut. Ambil kardigan dengan jeans Sandra Bullock, dan motif gelap Nicole Kidman - misalnya, atasan korset hitam dan jaket dengan tudung penyihir. {"Points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties": {"Duration": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "kemudahan": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id ": 2," properties ": {" length ": 0.5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," kemudahan ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, " rotasiZ ": 0}}]," langkah ": [{" id ": 2," properti ": {" durasi ": 0,5," penundaan ": 0," bezier ": ," kemudahan ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} {" points ": [{" id ": 9," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacit y ": 1," scaleX ": 1.05," scaleY ": 1.05," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 10, "properti": {"durasi": 0.5, "penundaan": 0, "bezier": , "kemudahan": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} {" points ": [{" id ": 1," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0 }}], "langkah": [{"id": 2, "properti": {"durasi": 0.5, "penundaan": 0, "bezier": , "kemudahan": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} korset Olivier Theyskens (Boutique 7), Maje ponco, Colombo cardigan (St-James), Alexander Wang jeans (TopStyle), Dior shoesCollections tersedia di Galeri Vremena Goda {"points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {" id ": 3," properties ": {" x ": -15," y ": - 72," z ": 0," opacity ": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": - 15}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties ": {" durasi ": 2," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," kemudahan ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} Karakter utama dari melodrama indie "Submarine" secara resmi adalah seorang anak laki-laki bernama Oliver, tapi, sejujurnya, semua perhatian tertuju pada pacarnya Jordan. Dia adalah salah satu pahlawan wanita yang diinginkan semua orang - hidup di saat ini, tak terduga, cerah, dan, tentu saja, menjungkirbalikkan kehidupan yang akan datang. Tipikal gadis impian peri manik? Untuk saat ini. Gambar Jordan menjadi berkesan berkat tidak hanya karakter yang ditentukan, tetapi juga untuk pakaian: warna utamanya di layar adalah merah, dan oleh karena itu sangat tidak mungkin untuk tidak memperhatikan gadis itu dalam bingkai apa pun. Coba juga pilih warna cerah untuk diri Anda sendiri - triknya berhasil! {"Points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, " rotasiZ ": 0}}]," langkah ": [{" id ": 10," properti ": {" durasi ": 0,5," penundaan ": 0," bezier ": ," kemudahan ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} {" points ": [{" id ": 9," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"Duration": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "kemudahan": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"poin ": [{" id ": 9," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "ro tationZ ": 0}}, {" id ": 11," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1.05," scaleY ": 1.05," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 10," properties ": {" durasi ": 0.5," penundaan ": 0," bezier ": ," kemudahan ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} { "points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id ": 10," properties ": {" length ": 0.5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," kemudahan ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, " rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 2," properties ": {" du ransum ": 0.5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," kemudahan ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} Cardigan Sandro, Dress Alexander Wang (TopStyle), Coat Sandro, Blus Maje, sepatu bot Louis VuittonKoleksi tersedia di Galeri Vremena Goda {" points ": [{" id ": 1," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": - 15, "y": - 72, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, " scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": - 15}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 2," properties ": {" durasi ": 2, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "kemudahan": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} Emily yang santai dan naif dari acara yang paling banyak dibicarakan musim gugur ini bukanlah pahlawan wanita biasa menurut standar saat ini. Tidak ada drama sama sekali dalam dirinya, dia tidak terjun ke dalam kesedihan di layar dan, daripada refleksi, lebih memilih untuk tertawa pada situasi tersebut. Dan pakaiannya benar-benar mengabaikan semua tren modern - menyerah pada olahraga, krem, dan minimalis, dia berpakaian penuh warna dan penuh warna. Dan selain itu, dia tidak melepas tumitnya - yang, menurut standar tahun 2020, pasti menjadikannya salah satu dari jenisnya. Tetapi menjalani hidup dengan musik Anda sendiri, tidak memperhatikan apa yang diputar untuk semua orang, adalah kualitas penting dari setiap karakter utama. Kami mulai melayani! {"Points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "langkah ": [{" id ": 10," properties ": {" durasi ": 0.5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," kemudahan ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true} }], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, " rotasiY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 10," properties ": {" durasi ": 0.5," delay ": 0," bezier ": , "kemudahan": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ ": 0}}]," steps ": [{" id ": 10," properties ": {" durasi ": 0.5," delay ": 0," bezier ": ," kemudahan ":" Power2. easyOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} {" points ": [{" id ": 1," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 2, "properties": {"Duration": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "kemudahan": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 10, "properti": {"durasi": 0,5, "penundaan": 0, "bezier": , "e ase ":" Power2.easeOut "," automatic_duration ": true}}]," transform_origin ": {" x ": 0.5," y ": 0.5}} Jaket Braschi, rok SANDRO, topi DIOR, sepatu bot Gucci,Koleksi tas Louis Vutton tersedia di Galeri Musim {"points": [{"id": 1, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 3, "properties": {"x": - 15, "y": - 72, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": - 15}}], "langkah": [{"id": 2, "properti": {"durasi": 2, "penundaan": 0, "bezier": , "kemudahan": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} Adaline pahlawan Blake Lovely bukan hanya seorang perempuan. Dia abadi - dan selama hidupnya yang panjang dia telah melihat banyak hal: bola, pesta, dan gaya yang berbeda, dan hal-hal yang lebih menyedihkan, tanpanya kenyataan tidak dapat dibayangkan. Dalam dua jam pemutaran film, dia berhasil melewati satu abad, mengganti pakaian bersejarah yang mewah, dan ceritanya berakhir di zaman kita - dengan pakaian sederhana dan akrab. Jika citra seorang gadis misterius yang telah melihat kehidupan dekat dengan Anda, Anda tidak perlu mencari pakaian yang cocok di lemari pakaian. Biarkan hanya satu detail yang benar-benar "seremonial" dalam penampilan elegan Anda - misalnya, kalung mutiara berlapis-lapis, seolah-olah dari tahun 20-an yang gemuruh. {"Points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"Duration": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "kemudahan": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"poin ": [{" id ": 9," properties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"durasi": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "kemudahan": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": { "x": 0,5, "y": 0.5}} {"poin": [{"id": 9, "pro perties ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1,05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"durasi": 0,5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "kemudahan": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5 }} {"poin": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1, "scaleY": 1, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}, {"id": 11, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0, "opacity": 1, "scaleX": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"durasi": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "kemudahan": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}} {"points": [{"id": 9, "properties": {"x": 0, "y": 0, "z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1," scaleY ": 1," rotationX ": 0," rotationY ": 0," rotationZ ": 0}}, {" id ": 11," properti ": {" x ": 0," y ": 0," z ": 0," opacity ": 1," scaleX ": 1.05, "scaleY": 1.05, "rotationX": 0, "rotationY": 0, "rotationZ": 0}}], "steps": [{"id": 10, "properties": {"durasi": 0.5, "delay": 0, "bezier": , "kemudahan": "Power2.easeOut", "automatic_duration": true}}], "transform_origin": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5} } Kalung Chanel, mantel Braschi, rok Maje, atasan Sandro, sepatu bot GucciKoleksi tersedia di Galeri Vremena Goda {"width": 740, "column_width": 23, "column_n": 32, "gutter": 0, "line": 10} defaultfalse7671300falsetruetrue {"mode": "page", "transition_type": "slide", "transition_direction": "horizontal", "transition_look": "belt", "slides_form": {}} {"css": ".editor {font-family: Times New Roman; ukuran font: 19px; font-weight: 400; line-height: 28px;} "}
